Welcome to the Losing Pit

About Me

I'm currently an unemployed software engineering graduate and in the midst of my despair of not being able to find a job (I mean, I suck anyways...). The algorithms, LeetCodes, SaaS projects I didn't care about, demotivating job market TikToks, made me reevaluate why I chose this path in the first place

Luckily, I stumbled across a video by "You've Got Kat" (@Rookiewompus) on youtube about the indie web an neocities, and my passion finally re-ignited. Weird websites with passionate designs, completely ignoring whatever design principles were hammered into me during HCI class made me start this small project.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, "Magicfist" is a name I borrowed from Adventure Time, so don't think of anything weird okay...